Incline dumbbell front raise

The incline dumbbell front raise is an upper-body exercise targeting the shoulders. Because it is performed face down on an angled bench, it has a greater range of motion than standing or upright-seated raises and hits the shoulders from a different angle. Raise variations are usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, as part of upper-body or shoulder-focused training.


  1. Adds size and strength to the anterior and medial deltoids
  2. Performing on a bench enforces strict form and eliminates momentum
  3. Great burnout movement on shoulder day

Incline dumbbell front raise Images


Incline dumbbell front raise Instructions

Incline dumbbell front raise muscle diagram
  1. Sit down on an incline bench with the incline set anywhere between 30 to 60 degrees while holding a dumbbell on each hand. Tip: You can change the angle to hit the muscle a little differently each time.
  2. Extend your arms straight in front of you and have your palms facing down with the dumbbells raised about 1 inch above your thighs. This will be your starting position.
  3. Slowly raise the dumbbells straight up until they are slightly above your shoulders, while keeping your elbows locked. Squeeze at the top for a second and make sure you breathe out during this portion of the movement. Tip: Keep your head resting down against the bench and your legs on the floor at all times.
  4. Lower the arms back to the starting position as you inhale.
  5. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Variations: You can use a barbell as well for this exercise.