Daniel Martin


I was not always the big kid in my school, the one that everybody is afraid of. I was always made fun of for being fat and short and I had a huge head, goggles for glasses and girls found me disgusting. This is what really got me into working out and keeping in shape. Now I have taken bodybuilding to a science almost, and I'm the strongest kid in the school at 5'4".

My goal is now to win the Mr. Olympia title, and no one or thing is going to stop me, not even genetics. I started this three years ago, and I'm getting smarter by the day. Bodybuilding has changed my entire life. Now, I have respect from people, I'm not fat, I grew into my head, and I have girls all over me. My favorite thing about bodybuilding is proving wrong the idea that little people finish last, and we can kick ass just as much as the next person.

Vital Stats
Name: Daniel Martin
Years Bodybuilding: 3
Favorite Bodyparts: Back and Shoulders
Favorite Exercise: Clean and Press
Favorite Supplements: I don't use them
Hobbies: I don't have any. I don't consider bodybuilding a hobby
Favorite Bodybuilders: Franco Columbu and Tom Platz
As of 8/7/02
Age: 16
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 183lbs
Chest: 48"
Calves: 16 3/4"
Legs: 27 1/2"
Arms: 17 1/4"
Forearms: 14 1/2"
Waist: 33"


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