Board bench press

The board bench press is an upper-body exercise that is commonly performed as an assistance movement for the bench press. It targets the same muscles as the bench press, including the chest and shoulders, but really focuses on the triceps. Because you can load it more heavily than a full bench press, it allows you to overload the triceps and lock out of the bench press.


  1. Targets lockout strength and triceps
  2. Allows heavier weights to be used
  3. May help lifters with shoulder issues experience less discomfort while pressing
  4. Time-tested powerlifting assistance movement

Board bench press Images


Board bench press Instructions

Board bench press muscle diagram
  1. Begin by lying on the bench, getting your head beyond the bar if possible. One to five boards, made out of 2x6's, can be screwed together and held in place by a training partner, bands, or just tucked under your shirt.
  2. Tuck your feet underneath you and arch your back. Using the bar to help support your weight, lift your shoulder off the bench and retract them, squeezing the shoulder blades together. Use your feet to drive your traps into the bench. Maintain this tight body position throughout the movement.
  3. You can take a standard bench grip, or shoulder width to focus on the triceps. Pull the bar out of the rack without protracting your shoulders. The bar, wrist, and elbow should stay in line at all times. Focus on squeezing the bar and trying to pull it apart.
  4. Lower the bar to the boards, and then drive the bar up with as much force as possible. The elbows should be tucked in until lockout.