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12-week Bulking Trainer Week 12: Day 58

Watch The Video - 3:23

Tracking Your Progress And Tweaking Your Diet

Adjusting Your Diet

Be sure to keep tracking your weight so you can adjust your diet as need be. As your weight goes up your calories requirements will increase as well.

Total Calories: 15 Calories / Pound of Body Weight

Protein: 1 Gram of Protein = 4 Calories You should take in 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight.

Fats: 1 Gram of Fats = 9 Calories You should take in .5 gram of good fats per pound of bodyweight.

Carbs: 1 Gram of Carbs = 4 Calories The rest of your calories should come from carbs.


You'll need to do 30 minutes of cardio today.

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12-Week Daily Bulking Trainer

12-Week Daily Bulking Trainer presents your 12-Week Daily Bulking Trainer! Day by day, we'll help you build lean mass and forge a ripped, defined physique.

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