Much-Healthier Mexican: 4 Easy Recipes

Save Mexican food from the prison of cheat meal status! Make smarter choices with your ingredients and you can bring Mexican dishes into your everyday diet. Here are four recipes to show you how it's done.

Healthy eaters usually put Mexican food in a corner and don't let it out unless it's a treat or cheat meal. But, guess what? It doesn't have to be that way. With a few healthy adjustments, you can have the proverbial cake (or, uh, taco) and eat it, too!

Throw a little fiesta a su casa and make a Mexican meal. These four recipes will help get you started. By cooking at home, you get all the south-of-the-border flavor you want without the extra fat, carbs, and calories you get from eating at a restaurant.

1. Smoky Snapper with Avocado Verde Sauce

I made this recipe on a whim, and now it tops some of my all-time favorite dinner recipes. Serve this when you need some healthy fats and protein, want to impress your dinner guests, or need to add a spicy Mexican kick to your regular dinner fare.

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2. Guacamole Lite

The standard homemade guacamole is not unhealthy by any means. It provides a healthy dose of unsaturated fats, vitamin C, and vitamin E. However, it packs hefty a calorie punch. Because this version is a little lighter, you don't have to be limited to a measly portion size. One avocado can go a long way! Serve as a dip with whole-grain homemade pita chips, as a meal topper, or with cucumber and sliced bell pepper for a sodium-free option.

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3. Steak Tacos

With just a few adjustments, you can have some delicious and satisfying steak tacos without the side dish of guilt! Skip the sour cream, lighten the cheese load, and swap out your regular flour tortillas for Food for Life's sprouted corn tortillas. Que delicioso!

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4. Shredded Chicken Enchiladas

Usually, I leave enchiladas off the menu. They're smothered in cheese and full of grease—not what I would choose as a healthy option. However, I know that many people love enchiladas, so I took my crack at a healthier version. After this successful experiment, I came out an enchilada believer!

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