First Annual 'Health And Fitness Day' With Michael Torchia!

This event kicks off the 1st Annual 'Health and Fitness Day.' Free event is open to adults, children and pets and is just the beginning of our journey to end the epidemic of obesity in our country. Learn more.

The 1st Annual "Health And Fitness Day"

[ Q ] To start off, you are hosting a free health and fitness event at the Westwood Park in Los Angeles on August 1, 2009 from 10:00am-3:00pm. Can you tell us a little bit about this event?

      This event kicks off the 1st Annual "Health and Fitness Day." The City Council has approved my proclamation to make August 1st "Health and Fitness Day" in the city of Los Angeles and the 1st Health Advocate Lifetime Achievement Award is being presented to

Joe Weider

      at our event as well.

This free event is open to adults, children and pets and is just the beginning of our journey to end the epidemic of obesity in our country.

There will be free health screenings, fitness demonstrations for children and adults, pet health/fitness seminars, nutrition lectures, healthy cooking tips/food preparation, stretching and yoga classes, chair massages, nutritious protein bars and energy drinks offered. Attendees will learn how to become more confident, physically fit and establish life long healthy eating habits.

Michael Torchia Will Be Holding The 1st Annual Health And Fitness Day On August 1st, 2009.
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Michael Torchia Will Be Holding The 1st Annual
Health And Fitness Day On August 1st, 2009.

[ Q ] What made you want to start this event? It kicks off your Shape Up America Campaign which I think is awesome.

      What started out as a dream back in 1985 is really coming to fruition. I have been putting my heart and soul into making a difference in our Nation's Health, but I know that there is so much more we can do with the proper support and attention.

The goal of the Shape Up America Campaign is to help adults, children and even pets get healthy for their own benefit and for the lasting benefits that will strengthen the entire nation for generations to come.

My organization, Operation Fitness, will travel around the country providing the crucial information that will help even the most stubborn and unmotivated Americans learn how to break their bad eating habits and become more physically active.

      The ultimate


    is to show people how they can create simple ways of working out, along with participating in stimulating activities at home, office, in a park or even in the wilderness. In addition, pet owners will learn innovative ways to get their pets in shape and on a healthy track.

[ Q ] Now correct me if I'm wrong, but you will be traveling across the nation on this campaign to help educate not only groups of people, but the entire nation?

      I will be traveling across the country from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C. to present a bill into Congress, which can help eradicate the epidemic of


    in the United States. I believe that together as a nation, we can and will make a difference in our lives and the lives of our children.

Obesity Rates Of The Total Population Of Various Countries From The Years 1996-2003.
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Obesity Rates Of The Total Population Of
Various Countries From The Years 1996-2003.

[ Q ] How long will the campaign run for that you will be traveling?

      I will travel across America on a 6-city tour to spread the word and encourage more people to take the journey to end obesity in America and help make history - for their own benefit and for lasting benefits that will strengthen the entire nation for generations to come.

On August 1st, 2009, I will lead concerned Americans who want to eradicate the epidemic of obesity in our country on a trip from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C. At each city we will meet at a historical park.

Attendees will have a chance to learn more about the initiative, sign-up for the campaign and join me, to mark the first steps of one of the largest American health initiatives ever undertaken.

[ Q ] Also, did I hear that you are going to Congress and asking them to make August 1st a national holiday called "Health and Fitness Day"? You were already granted by the City Council to make that date an annual holiday for Los Angeles.

      That is correct. It is vital that we make a change now before it is too late. Americans are neglecting their health, when simple changes can make a difference in the overall quality of their lives.

With encouragement and options for making that change, America can once again be the way it once was.

[ Q ] This is obviously a very big deal, and a change that needs to take place in the United States.

With the constant increase in obesity this is something that needs to be implemented and pushed, not only to help people obtain a healthier lifestyle, but also to educated them and make it a lifestyle change. What all do you have planned to help reach out to all different types of individuals?

      Upon arrival at each public park, I will commence with a free health lecture, along with a complimentary day of fitness. I will offer free advice to even the most stubborn and unmotivated Americans on how they can break their bad eating habits and become more physically active.

The goal is to show people how they can create simple ways of working out, along with participating in stimulating activities at home, office, in a park or in the wilderness.

      There will be informative nutrition lectures, free health screenings, including feeding people the nutritious meals and


      supplements offered by the sponsors. They will learn how to become more confident, physically fit and establish life long healthy eating habits.

Our nation truly needs to be inspired to make the necessary transitions to create a healthier and happier lifestyle. While TV is still the predominant visual media of the day, I believe the Internet to be the next generation for broadcasting. As Bill Gates said, "The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow." I wholeheartedly agree!

That is why we will be doing podcasts from each location we visit, as well. And that's not all... to add to the excitement and involvement of our followers, we will create an interactive website so people from around the country can follow the trip to Washington D.C. to present the bill proposal to Congress.

The website will offer information about health and fitness tips and have an interactive mailbag where they can ask questions and offer feedback.

Our Nation Truly Needs To Be Inspired To Make The Necessary Transitions To Create A Healthier And Happier Lifestyle.
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Our Nation Truly Needs To Be Inspired To Make The Necessary
Transitions To Create A Healthier And Happier Lifestyle.

[ Q ] I am good friends with Sebastian Siegel and I heard he will be speaking at the event and will be giving Joe Weider the Health Advocate Lifetime Achievement Award. Can you touch on some of the topics that various speakers will be speaking on?

Michael Torchia:

Childhood Obesity Lecture Description:

          Studies have shown that it is the responsibility of parents to provide guidance and inspiration for their children to pursue healthy and active lives.

It is the environment that children live in home that will ultimately determine their pattern of eating, activity levels and attitude towards pursuing a healthy life.

We can remove all the dessert bars; soda and junk food machines from the schools and children will still continue to eat improperly.

Parents or guardians must take responsibility and maintain a healthy example for their children to establish a healthy physical, psychological and emotional lifestyle.

Michael Torchia will provide parents with an extremely effective and safe solution to this serious problem. We can start today to save our children from a lifetime of constant dieting and chronic health problems.

Baby-Boomer Fitness Lecture Description:

          The baby boomers, who are considered the 78 million Americans born from 1946 to 1964, have made sports


          become the No. 2 reason for visits to a doctor's office nationwide, behind the common cold, according to a 2003 survey by National Ambulatory Medical Care.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission examined emergency-room visits in 1998, and discovered that sports-related injuries to baby boomers had risen by 33 percent since 1991.

The most common injuries sustained by over use by the boomers are the knees, shoulders, hips and the lower back. The baby boomers must realize the old methods of working out and extreme dieting are harmful and can create chronic health issues, which often leads to depression and weight gain.

Michael Torchia will offer advice for boomers to prevent the plague of joint injuries and eating disorders. His mission is to educate and motivate baby boomers to be more active and utilize sensible eating habits.

Dr. LeRoy Perry:

        The benefits of spinal decompression therapy for bad backs using Dr. LeRoy Perry's Spinal Decompressor


        , the leading device for self-help spinal decompression and abdominal strengthening exercises (you're invited to come and "hang around" in his booth after the lecture).

Dr. LeRoy Perry.
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Dr. LeRoy Perry.

Rebecca Runze:

        The benefits of Zrii, a liquid nutritional product based on the Ayurvedia, the 5000 year old healing tradition from India (sample it at our booth after the lecture).

Michael George:

        5 insights to developing your own exercise regime:

        1. Set realistic goals

        1. Determine the time commitment you can afford to make to exercise

        1. Evaluate truthfully your likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses

        1. Incorporate variety & balance into your exercise program

        1. Listen to your body

Joe Antouri:

        Mr. USA - If you are looking for a new or second career or looking to supplement your income,

personal training

        business is booming. Housewives, doctors and lawyers are all getting involved in personal training.

Robert Scott Bell:

        Are fears over the Influenza A-H1N1 founded in reality or hype? It is time to know what you can do to protect your family in case a legitimate viral threat comes your way. "How can I prevent it? What do I do if I already have it?"

One substance on planet earth is most ideal at combating viral threats while simultaneously supporting your own immune system to get you back to strength and vitality. Find out why Big Pharma does not want you to know about it!

Robert will also cover supplemental therapies to eradicate secondary infections and open up detoxification pathways for complete healing.

Included in the lecture will be discussion of silver hydrosol, vaccinations, selenium, chromium and numerous homeopathic medicines specific to help you get through any immune threat. You and your children will no longer need to fear the flu!

Robert Scott Bell.
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Robert Scott Bell.

Marc Darrow, M.D, J.D.:

        Prolotherapy is also known as nonsurgical ligament reconstruction, and is a treatment for chronic pain. Prolotherapy is helpful for what conditions?

The treatment is useful for many different types of musculoskeletal pain, including arthritis, back pain, neck pain, fibromyalgia, sports injuries, unresolved whiplash injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic tendonitis, partially torn tendons, ligaments and cartilage, degenerated or herniated discs, TMJ and sciatica.

Dr. Jason Kelberman:

        Foot, ankle, knee sport issues and how Peripheral Neuropathy both Diabetic and non


        could affect you.

Fortune Smith & Dr. Mary Ensign:

        She will be discussing "Send Out Cards" Sharing an Awesome System of Appreciation & Heartfelt messages personalized by you within a Greeting Card system for personal or business use.

Sandra Lollino:

        Founder of

Four Legged Friends Foundation

        will share about how their programs and services save lives and help families care for their pets. She will also touch upon fun activities for you and your dog to stay healthy both physically and mentally.

Cheryl Perkins:

        Find out how disorganization dramatically affects your health, fitness and nutrition and what you can do about it now! You'll be surprised at what you didn't know.

Megan Blake:

      Megan Blake - On Pack Structure - How wolves teach us to better "Speak Dog" & dog lifestyle integration tips using this language. Megan is a Pet Expert on Animal Attractions TV, columnist, author and trainer.

Megan Blake.
Enlarge Click Image To Enlarge.
Megan Blake.

[ Q ] Besides Sebastian, I hear there will be many pro bodybuilders, models, athletes, celebrities, trainers, and world renowned doctors in attendance. This will definitely help draw a HUGE crowd and motivate a lot of people. How many people are you expecting at the event?

    It is difficult to say exactly. However, between the park statistics, media, advertising, word of mouth and vendor support, an estimated three to four thousand may participate.

[ Q ] Is there anything else that you would like to add to this interview that we haven't touched on?

      If it wasn't for bodybuilding, I may never have overcome being an


    child and have a career as a health and fitness expert.