Workout Plan For December: Holiday Maintenance!

We've been working to put on muscle the last 11 months of the year and at the very best we hope to maintain that muscle until the holidays have passed.

So, the holidays are here, and our already hectic schedules are even more jam packed. We've been working to put on muscle the last 11 months of the year and at the very best we hope to maintain that muscle until the holidays have passed.

This program is for the person who has a very limited amount of time, but is looking to maintain with minimal work. In fact, some experts may argue that one might gain significant lean mass on this program due to increased rest and recovery. Optimally, this program would be performed two times per week with maximum intensity. It encompasses the whole body.

After your schedule calms down, you can return to a traditional 2, 3 or 4 day split. Happy Holidays!

Note: 2 warmup + 3 work sets - 10,8,6 means that you should do 2 quick warmup sets, then 3 hard sets to failure. The first work set should have 10 reps, the second 8, and the third should have 6 reps. You should be able to do no more than 6 reps so choose the weight which works best for you.

Deadlifts 2 warmup + 3 work sets 10 reps then 8 then 6
Barbell Bench Press 2 warmup + 3 work sets 12,10,8
Squats 2 warmup + 3 work sets 15,12,10
DB Overhead Press 1 warmup + 3 work sets 12,10,8
Barbell Bicep Curls 1 warmup + 3 work sets 12,10,8
Tricep Dips 1 warmup + 3 work sets 12,10,8
Standing Calf Raises 1 warmup + 3 work sets 15,12,10
Hanging Ab Raises 3 work sets max,max,max

Coming very soon! Full Video guides on the proper form for the major bodybuilding exercises.

Please contact me if you have any questions at