Cinna Cereal Protein Pancakes
Heather Eastman, NSCA-CPT
Heather Eastman, NSCA-CPT
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428 Calories
52 g Carbs
47 g Protein
3 g Fat
Total Time
1 serving

We all love the warm nostalgia of cinnamon cereals and fresh, hot pancakes. Now you can enjoy both at the same time with this easy protein pancake recipe.


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  1. Place all the pancake ingredients in a blender and mix well.
  2. Spray a nonstick griddle with cooking spray and heat on medium.
  3. Pour about 1/4 cup of batter for each pancake onto the griddle. Cook for a few minutes on each side. Repeat until you've used up all the batter.
  4. Add toppings and enjoy! Topping options: Zero-calorie pancake syrup, berries, sliced banana, chopped apples, granola

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