Bench barbell roll-out

The bench barbell roll-out is a challenging exercise targeting the abdominals. It is similar to using an ab roller, but using a barbell allows for a wider grip. Placing the knees on a bench rather than the floor makes the move more difficult by increasing the challenge to the upper body.


  1. Works the ab muscles, including the deep core and the rectus abdominis or "six-pack" muscles
  2. Also hammers the upper back and lats
  3. Can be the only core movement you need in a workout

Bench barbell roll-out Images


Bench barbell roll-out Instructions

Bench barbell roll-out muscle diagram
  1. Place a loaded barbell on the ground, near the end of a bench. Kneel with both legs on the bench, and take a medium to narrow grip on the barbell. This will be your starting position.
  2. To begin, extend through the hips to slowly roll the bar forward. As you roll out, flex the shoulder to roll the bar above your head. Ensure that your arms remain extended throughout the movement.
  3. When the bar has been moved as far forward as possible, return to the starting position.