Cable cross-over

The cable cross-over is an isolation movement that uses a cable stack to build bigger and stronger pectoral muscles. Since it's done using adjustable pulleys, you can target different parts of your chest by setting the pulleys at different levels. It is common in upper-body and chest-focused muscle-building workouts, often as a pre-exhaust at the beginning of a workout or a finishing movement at the end. It is often used in combination with other presses or flyes to target the chest from different angles.


  1. Unlike dumbbells, cables provide constant tension, including at peak contraction
  2. Can quickly switch weights for dropsets
  3. Can customize cable height to target specific areas of the chest
  4. Stretches the chest muscles under load which can lead to greater muscle gain

Cable cross-over Images


Cable cross-over Instructions

Cable cross-over muscle diagram
  1. Begin by moving the pulleys to the high position, select the resistance to be used, and take a handle in each hand.
  2. Stand directly between both pulleys with your arms extended out to your sides. Your head and chest should be up while your arms form a “T”. This will be your starting position.
  3. Keeping the elbows extended, pull your arms straight to your sides.
  4. Return your arms back to the starting position after a pause at the peak contraction.
  5. Continue the movement for the prescribed number of repetitions.