Lying cable chest fly

The lying cable chest fly is an isolation movement that uses a cable stack and a flat bench to build bigger and stronger pectoral muscles. It is common in upper-body and chest-focused muscle-building workouts, often as a pre-exhaust at the beginning of a workout or as a finishing movement at the end. It is often used in combination with other presses or flyes to target the chest from different angles.


  1. Unlike dumbbells, cables provide constant tension, including at peak contraction
  2. Being able to push your torso down against the bench can allow you to focus on the mind-muscle connection and move slightly more weight
  3. Stretches the chest muscles under load which can lead to greater muscle gain

Lying cable chest fly Images


Lying cable chest fly Instructions

Lying cable chest fly muscle diagram
  1. Position a flat bench between two low pulleys so that when you are laying on it, your chest will be lined up with the cable pulleys.
  2. Lay flat on the bench and keep your feet on the ground.
  3. Have someone hand you the handles on each hand. You will grab each single handle attachment with a palms up grip.
  4. Extend your arms by your side with a slight bend on your elbows. Tip: You will keep this bend constant through the whole movement. Your arms should be parallel to the floor. This is your starting position.
  5. Now start lifting the arms in a semi-circle motion directly in front of you by pulling the cables together until both hands meet at the top of the movement. Squeeze your chest as you perform this motion and breathe out during this movement. Also, hold the contraction for a second at the top. Tip: When performed correctly, at the top position of this movement, your arms should be perpendicular to your torso and the floor touching above your chest.
  6. Slowly come back to the starting position.
  7. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Variations: Can also be done on an incline or decline bench, or with dumbbells or an exercise band.