Kneeling Cable Triceps Extension - Gethin Variation

The kneeling cable triceps extension is an single-joint exercise meant to isolate the triceps muscles, using a high pully on a cable stack and a bench. It can also be performed in a tall-kneeling stance from a low pully. It is most commonly used in muscle-building triceps or overall arms workouts.


  1. Emphasizes stretching the triceps under load, which can increase muscle growth
  2. Constant tension throughout movement, including at peak contraction
  3. Easy to change weights for dropsets
  4. Stabilizing elbows against bench can make it easier to focus on mind-muscle connection
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Kneeling Cable Triceps Extension - Gethin Variation Images


Kneeling Cable Triceps Extension - Gethin Variation Instructions

Kneeling Cable Triceps Extension - Gethin Variation muscle diagram