Dumbbell lateral hop to sprint

The dumbbell lateral hop to sprint is a multi-part explosive exercise combining weighted hops with weighted sprinting. Adding dumbbells adds a challenge to the core and shoulders. Because balance can be a challenge, it is usually performed with relatively light weights, often as a component of fat-loss or athletic training.


  1. Strengthens the legs, hips, and core in the lateral plane
  2. Serious cardiovascular challenge and calorie burn
  3. Helps improve vertical jump and acceleration

Dumbbell lateral hop to sprint Images


Dumbbell lateral hop to sprint Instructions

Dumbbell lateral hop to sprint muscle diagram
  1. Begin this exercise by standing with your feet hip-width apart and holding light weight dumbbells down by your side. This will be your starting position.
  2. While holding on to the dumbbells, hop back and forth over an imaginary line four times before turning to your left and sprinting about 20 feet.
  3. As soon as you finish your sprint, repeat the exercise by performing 4 more lateral hops, turning to your left, and sprinting back to your original starting position.
  4. Complete for recommended number of reps or time.