Dumbbell floor press

The dumbbell floor press is a multijoint pressing exercise performed lying on the floor. It can be performed either with the knees bent or flat. The floor press limits the range of motion you would achieve with a regular dumbbell bench press, but still targets the chest, triceps, and anterior delts. This allows you to press more weight than in a dumbbell bench press, and perhaps put less stress on the shoulders.


  1. Pressing from the floor with a neutral grip can take the stress off the shoulder joint
  2. Can overload and focus on building triceps strength and bench press lockout strength
  3. Takes your legs out of the movement, giving all the responsibility to your core and upper body
  4. Builds chest and triceps size and strength

Dumbbell floor press Images


Dumbbell floor press Instructions

Dumbbell floor press muscle diagram
  1. Lay on the floor holding dumbbells in your hands. Your knees can be bent. Begin with the weights fully extended above you.
  2. Lower the weights until your upper arm comes in contact with the floor. You can tuck your elbows to emphasize triceps size and strength, or to focus on your chest angle your arms to the side.
  3. Pause at the bottom, and then bring the weight together at the top by extending through the elbows.