Single-Leg Squat With Knee Tap

The single-leg knee-tap squat is a single-leg squat variation that involves “floating” the back leg over the ground on the descent until touching just the knee to the ground or a pad. It is similar to a lunge, but without touching the back foot to the ground. It is an intense strength and coordination challenge that can work in any strength- or athleticism-focused workout.


  1. Builds serious strength in the glutes, quads, and core
  2. Works for many people who find pistol squats painful or uncomfortable
  3. Can be regressed by lowering to a box or step
  4. Can be progressed by holding weights in a front-racked position
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Single-Leg Squat With Knee Tap Images


Single-Leg Squat With Knee Tap Instructions

Single-Leg Squat With Knee Tap muscle diagram