Smith machine lunge sprint

The Smith machine lunge sprint is a lower-body power exercise performed with the bar of a Smith machine on the back. It is similar to an alternating jump lunge or "scissor lunge," but with added weight. The contained bar of the Smith machine makes it safer and less of a balance challenge than using a free weight.


  1. Targets the quads, glutes, and hamstrings
  2. Builds explosive jumping power with less risk than a free weight
  3. Demands pressing the weight with speed throughout the entire rep
  4. Builds rebound and elastic strength in landing

Smith machine lunge sprint Images


Smith machine lunge sprint Instructions

Smith machine lunge sprint muscle diagram
  1. Adjust a bar in a Smith machine to an appropriate height. Position yourself under the bar, racking it across the back of your shoulders. Unrack the bar, and then split your feet, moving one foot forward and one foot back. This will be your starting position.
  2. Lower your back knee nearly to the ground, flexing the knees and lowering your hips as you do so.
  3. At the bottom of the descent, immediately reverse direction. Explosively drive through the heel of your front foot with light pressure from your back foot. Jump up and reverse the position of your legs.
  4. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.